[FM-India] FormaliSE 2021: Call for Participation

Madhavan Mukund madhavan at cmi.ac.in
Thu Apr 1 20:02:05 IST 2021

----- Forwarded message from Nico Plat <nico.plat at me.com> -----

Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 16:28:30 +0200
From: Nico Plat <nico.plat at me.com>
To: fmindia at cmi.ac.in
Subject: FormaliSE 2021: Call for Participation

    Call for Participation: FormaliSE 2021 (www.formalise.org <http://www.formalise.org/>)
      On-line conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (May 18-21, 2021)
                     Co-located event of ICSE 2021

FormaliSE is a yearly conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering. FormaliSE is organized by FME (Formal Methods Europe) and is co-located with ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering). The main goal of the conference is to foster integration between the formal methods and the software engineering communities. The lack of formalization in key places makes software engineering overly sensitive to the weaknesses that are inevitable in the complex activities behind software creation. This is where formal methods (FMs) have a huge opportunity.

This year FormaliSE will be held on-line, with real-time presentations by the authors of accepted papers, and by two keynote speakers. The Clowdr platform will be used for the presentation. Social interaction with the authors and other participants will be facilitated as well.

See https://www.formalise.org/program <https://www.formalise.org/program> for a detailed overview of keynotes and the list of accepted papers.

Registration for FormaliSE is open. You can register at https://conf.researchr.org/attending/icse-2021/registration <https://conf.researchr.org/attending/icse-2021/registration>. Registration is handled by ICSE.

Laura Semini and Simon Bliudze (PC Chairs)
Stefania Gnesi and Nico Plat (General Chairs)
Lucia Nasti (Social Media Chair) and Larisa Safina (Virtualisation Chair)

Liliana Pasquale (University College Dublin & Lero, Ireland)
`Towards Sustainable Security'
The talk explores the notion of sustainable security, and the current research that has been performed to:
Formalize software systems that are becoming more and more cyber-physical and analyze their security properties;
 Build adaptive security systems and support runtime verification of their  security properties;
Assure (adaptive) security systems.
The keynote highlighted research gaps and challenges towards achieving sustainable security and a research agenda to address these challenges.

Moshe Y. Vardi (Rice University, Austin, TX, USA)
`Program Verification: a 70-Year History'
The talk reviews the 70+-year history of program verification since Alan Turing's paper `Checking a Large Routine', 50 after Tony Hoare's paper, `An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming'. The keynote describes the obstacles, controversies, and progress milestones of program verification, particularly formal verification, discussing both impressive progress and dramatic failures exhibited over the past few years.

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