[FM-India] Postdoc position at University Paris 13

Madhavan Mukund madhavan at cmi.ac.in
Fri Dec 16 19:37:06 IST 2016

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Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2016 00:35:14 +0100
From: Petrucci Laure <Laure.Petrucci at lipn.univ-paris13.fr>
To: fmindia at cmi.ac.in
Subject:  Postdoc position at University Prais 13

Dear all,

You will find attached the desciption of a postdoc position, within
the ANR project PACS.

Title: Multi-view parameter synthesis for real-time systems


The goal of this post-doctoral position is to design a multi-view
framework to synthesise different kinds of parameters in concurrent
systems, for example timing parameters (e.g. [AHV93,JLR15]), action
parameters (e.g. [KMP15]), probabilistic parameters, discrete
parameters, etc.

On the theoretical side, new formalisms involving several kinds of
parameters could be proposed.  Timed automata [AD94] can be a relevant
basis formalism, but other formalisms such as interrupt timed automata
[BHS12,BHJL13] or O-minimal automata [BMRT04] can be studied.  Then,
algorithms for the synthesis of parameters should be proposed.

On the practical side, all algorithms should be implemented in a
unified framework.  A challenging part would be to design a tool able
to synthesise various kinds of parameters separately or together using
state-of-the-art techniques.  An option could be to reuse the IMITATOR
tool: www.imitator.fr

Applications must be sent to: postdocpacs at lipn.univ-paris13.fr

Best regards,

Laure Petrucci                           laure.petrucci at lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Director of LIPN, CNRS UMR 7030
Institut Galilée - Université Paris 13
99 Avenue Jean-Baptiste Clément, F-93430 Villetaneuse, FRANCE
tel:[+33 1]/[01] 49 40 35 79 (sec: 35 90) fax:[+33 1]/[01] 48 26 07 12
tel (IUT):[+33 1]/[01] 49 40 37 41

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